Mamre Parent Information
Welcome to Mamre Anglican School. We are delighted that you are joining this vital growing community. Mamre aims to ensure that your child will have a secure and stimulating education in a small school environment.
You will find the teachers and office staff approachable and helpful. Please feel free to ask any questions of the staff, and if you have a concern, I am readily available to assist. The teachers will have the largest impact on your child’s social and academic education. We encourage you to develop a positive relationship with your child’s teacher in order that they may better understand your child’s needs.
On the left of this page, we have provided useful information that covers each level of schooling for your family. Please call one of our friendly Enrolment Registrars, Mrs Sue Pritchard or Mrs Vittoria Pasqua on 8073 6904 if you have further enquiries.
Ross Whelan