
Sport at Mamre

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Students at Mamre undertake regular and frequent Physical Activity and Sport from our Pre-Kindergarten through to Year 10. Our aim is to ensure the health and fitness of all students. Our students are subject to a diverse array of activities and sports allowing them to discover and develop a love of lifelong physical activity.

Some of the sports our Senior School students participate in during their weekly sports time are roller skating, cricket, rock climbing, ice skating, swimming, lacrosse, baseball, self defence and various other coached and competitive inter-school sports.

Our Junior School (Pre-K to Yr 6) students have weekly PE with a trained PDHPE teacher as well as rotating through Active School Program activities and sports.

Representative pathways are available in most sports through CSSA and CIS. Visit their sites to check out dates and trial information for your child’s chosen sport.

Christian School Sports Association